Bespoke livery packages tailor for every requirement
Full Livery
Full Livery is total care of your horse including summer turnout, daily mucking out, shavings bed, haylage, grooming and exercise. Training with Johnathan can be scheduled as and when required.
Competition Livery
All the benefits of full livery in addition to your horse competed by Johnathan. Johnathan attends shows on a weekly basis, riding novice horses up to Grade As,nationally and internationally.
Schooling / Breaking Livery
Horses taken in for breaking or schooling at any level to further their education. Johnathan takes great pride and time in educating each horse with the correct basic training.
Holiday Cover Livery
Short-term livery includes total care of your horse, turnout, daily mucking out, shavings bed, haylage, grooming and exercise. Relax with peace of mind that your horse is left in good hands.
Full care and support can be provided by Johnathan and his team during recovery from injury, back to full fitness. Johnathan works very closely with local vets Wessex Equine and Wellesley, enabling the best possible rehabilitation programme for each horse.