Kingsman Equine
Innovation in Elite Sport Horse Sales
Kingsman focuses on the quality of the horse and first-class customer service at every level, in order to bring maximum satisfaction to both the seller and the buyer. No surprises; no sharp practices.
The Kingsman Auction coupled with our more traditional sales forums and outlets ensures we have the right medium for everyone - offering quality horses from commercial stables as well as small independent producers and breeders from across Continental Europe, Ireland and the UK to potential buyers from around the globe. Combining the convenience and ease of using a web platform for buying and selling alongside in-person auctions at ring side, invariably coupled with major qualifying shows and competitions, we have the right mediums for everyone.
Kingsman Equine Auctions
The Kingsman Elite Sport Auction provides a fresh approach to buying and selling sport horses. We offer quality horses from commercial stables as well as small independent producers and/or breeders from across Continental Europe, Ireland and the UK to potential buyers from around the globe. We couple the use of traditional sales forums and outlets with a strategic and modern approach to ensure we have the right mediums to benefit both buyers and sellers.